The standard of beauty for women in these countries are too different

Maybe in your country, you were viewed as inferior to the charm, but with the other country, you can be a very charming girl!

Besides the sharp, modern beauty due to the make up creation, not least who still Revere natural beauty, i.e. no cutlery and at least use powder as possible.

Each country has a private beauty standards.
Although there are many beautiful women in this world, but each one has a national standard or definition of the beauty of the woman. They all have different aesthetic standards.
If one fine day wake, you feel inferiority because of their inferior to his beautiful, then please stop in a hurry. By having the American entertainment when you are the "standard" in a certain country in the world that doesn't believe myself to be. Please try to see, women beauty standards of each country is something to know the diversity of the world and the country is how!
1. Australia
Wild and seductive, even a bit masculine but Australian women are proud about this beauty.
In Australia, a lady called "natural beauty" must own face with smooth skin, no pimples, looks fresh, vibrant and gentle grinding of the curly hair. The girls here are usually bring a wild beauty and charm.
2. France
For the French, the girls here usually don't tend to makeup when go out. They only use one layer of ice creams and lotions to keep moisture protection for your skin is soft.
Natural soft skin is the top priority of the French girl

About hair, French women prefer the type of pruning is not regular styling. But "hairy armpits" then they would hold, not even bleach underarm hair at all.

Many French girls never waxing underarms because that is so beautiful

3. Brazil

Bring the tropical climate characterized Brazilian women should prefer energetic beauty with honey-colored skin, curly hair and make up the entire face but not too bold.
Brazilian women prefer energetic beauty with honey-colored skin

4. South Korea

A skin is the Korean girls really care attitude
In South Korea, what is called the "natural beauty" all rules both on the skin! With them, your skin will say all up and you have to own a healthy skin, radiant, always smooth moist from deep within.
5. Sweden
Ladies Sweden focus on such natural hair, long lashes and smooth skin. They liked the make up but only in the very gentle tones.
The Swedish lady makeup with these very gentle tones such as orange naked, pale brown
6. North America

North American girl with sexy round 3
In the countries of North America, the girls own oversized round 3 was very sexy. This trend started from Kim Kardashian.
7. Japan
Elegant and youthful Japanese woman always makes the atmosphere become healthy by the lovely in them. For the Japanese, khểnh teeth can make women look youthful, charming and lovely.
The beard you can "fail" at any time before a girl has khểnh teeth and smile "dead people"
8. Middle East
With regard to the Middle East, "the eyes are the window to the soul". So they are very focused on maintenance and how to respect the beauty of the eyes. Especially people with Arab Riyal, because most women are wearing the veil and revealed only the eyes. So the eye makeup extremely important.
The eyes of a very deep and beautiful Arab girls

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