High rise told the young guy: If anyone borrow money home laboratory, please say this to him.

The reality in life, who are also the owners would at least be asking for a loan a few times. But the majority are not able to opt from for many reasons.

What is the most difficult thing? Is borrowed
The home laboratory of course will always treat people for his loan at the difficulty is you. Not only is money, that a little help stop is also very precious.
Today people are very rare, as if having been the master pilot should cherish you all my life!
People for home loan at home pilot are struggling, not by people too much money do not know where to target, but because they want to help the pilot a little difficult at home.
Things for home loan is not the money, which is a plate, is the trust, is the motivation, is the belief in the possibility and the investment in the future of the home laboratory.
Hope you can put faith forever friends place without prejudice what is the thing that's hard to do! Do distrust where the other person is the huge loss of life! Please place the word in the appropriate location

The sincerity of friends is the property of all one's life! At the same time, please remember that the owner:
-Active Users pay in advance of the appointment, not by them, but by money personell they considered sex with foot plate pilot home than money.
-Can make At cooperation countries more profitable part owners, not by them, but because they are sharing.
-When the work if always proactively taken part the hard, not because they want to express themselves, then by that was the collective responsibility.
-When having instant conflict an apology, not because they are wrong, but because they know anything new worth preserving than I am selfless.
-The Italian volunteers help host countries not to host laboratory they owe what they considered the home laboratory, but by who is respectable.
-They help the home laboratory because precious coast wage, not because it's my duty, you don't consider it is obvious that lightly.
Hong lam compile

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